Need Condoms (roll-on or insertive), Dental Dams or Lube?
ACT is one of the largest distributors of free condom and lube boxes in Toronto!
For Personal Use
For the biggest selection of specialty, safer sex items ACT’s Access Centre (543 Yonge St) has labelled tip bins that allow you to pick what is best for you. This includes:
- regular lubed condoms
- no latex condoms
- unlubed condoms
- flavoured condoms
- various sizes and thicknesses of condoms,
- insertive/ female condoms
- glove kits (in large/medium/small sizes),
- water-based lube
- silicone-based lube
- dental dams
Check our “Contact Us” page for details on when and where to find our Access Centre. (
In Community
We also stock locations weekly across the Church/Wellesley Community with our condom and lube boxes. Great for after-work hours and your weekend needs these dispensers throughout the Church/Wellesley area are at your local hot spot including:
- Black Eagle (upstairs), 457 Church Street
- Crews and Tangos (downstairs near the washrooms), 508 Church St
- Buddies in Bad Times Theatre (downstairs near the washrooms),12 Alexander St
- Glad Day Bookstore (in or near the washrooms), 499 Church St
- Pegasus On Church (in the washroom), 489B Church St
- The Well (upstairs), 487 Church St
- Woodys On Church (in the front lobby), 467 Church St
Also supplying our condom and lube boxes in their own dispensers:
- Flash, 461 Church St
- medsEXPERT Clinic and Pharmacy, 461 Church St
- The Village Pharmacy, 535 Yonge St
- The Village Pharmacy, 473 Church St
Bath Houses
All the bathhouses in town also carry condoms and lube as per their own supplies for their clients with help from public health and us. Often you will find our outreach volunteers in these venues who can help you pick out a condom or lube best suited for your needs.
- Spa XS, 105 Carlton St
- Splash Steam and Sauna, 1610 Dundas St W
- Steamworks Baths Toronto, 540 Church St
For Community Events/Bulk Orders
For Bulk Orders (over 100 of any supplies):
- Contact our education staff at 416-340-8484 ext. 228 or at
- Leave your: name, contact info. and how much you need. (Please let us know a specific number e.g. 200 condoms. Indicating you need a box of condoms is hard to tell what you mean since a box could be anything from 1008 to 144.) In addition to condom and lube boxes we also have dental dams, insertive condoms and individual condoms of various sizes and flavours.
- Staff will confirm things with you, and you can pick up your package at the ACT Access Centre’s front desk. We will need to know when you intend to pick up your order. Note: If your order has not been picked up within a week of your requested date, we will take them away from the Access Centre area until we can contact you to find out if you are still interested.
Tip: It is best to not leave bulk orders to the last minute. Calling at least two business days prior is advisable to avoid disappointment.
Condom Stuffing Parties
ACT goes through upwards of 7000 condoms and lube monthly. Although we have public health partners supplying us, we also have to buy our own lube and condoms to keep the community’s safer sex choices open.
To support our distribution of supplies, we hold monthly condom-stuffing parties. At these events we stream online programming for entertainment, provide snacks and hold theme nights often.
A special thanks to:
Pegasus On Church, 489B Church St,
Woodys On Church, 467 Church St,
Splash Steam and Sauna, 1610 Dundas St W
…who supported our condom-stuffing volunteers with prizes at this past Pride season’s condom-stuffing party!

Who is invited?
Anyone and everyone who wants to volunteer their time! We aim to raise the sexual health awareness in the communities that ACT serves, and allow people to have safer sex, whether they can afford condoms or not. It’s all hands on deck.
Is registration required?
No registration is required. You are welcome to sign up to be on our email list to receive reminders for future events.
When is the next Party?
Please check ACT’s Event Calendar for the date and time of the next Condom Stuffing Party! At the event, you can sign up for personal email reminders from staff.
For more information, email .