Founded by a group of volunteers, they are an essential part of the work that we do at ACT. Every volunteer role presents an exciting new opportunity to learn, engage and support people living and impacted by HIV and AIDS.

There are three steps to becoming a volunteer at ACT:
Step One: Please complete a Volunteer Application Form and submit it to You will be invited to attend a Volunteer Information Session. You will learn more about ACT’s programs, services, and fundraising events, to hear about volunteer opportunities and to find out what is involved in becoming a volunteer.
Step Two: For volunteers who are interested in working in the area of programs or service delivery, the Volunteer Coordinator will meet with you individually. This interview ensures a good match between what you are looking for in a volunteer opportunity and what ACT has to offer.
Step Three: Following the interview, you will be registered for Core Skills Training. Volunteers must complete 24 hours of Core Skills Training and receive a Certificate of Completion. Additional training will be required in various program-specific areas.
To find out more about volunteering, please email

Volunteer Profile – Phil
Phil started out as a volunteer at the Toronto People with AIDS Foundation (PWA) and was convinced to take up a volunteer shift with the other agency sharing space in the building – ACT! Phil has been volunteering with ACT ever since – an astounding 21 years making him among the most seasoned Access Centre volunteers.

Phil has spent those years honing his front desk skills and making that first point of contact as smooth as possible. He says, “I try to match their tone of voice, and make sure they aren’t scared away. That first point of contact is important. It’s something I’ve gotten much better at with practice!”
Phil likes the front desk because it’s so hands-on. He gets to meet a lot of people, and he feels a sense of accomplishment when he can answer that important call from someone who is in distress and unsure of their next steps. He does his best to calm them down and get them to a level where they can see the solution. It helps grow their comfort and trust with the agency and he can direct them to where they need to be.
Volunteer Profile – Rosana
“I wanted to find something that was a good fit for me,” says Rosana. “Working in advertising, it’s easy to get caught up with just working long hours. It was serendipitous when one day, a friend of mine mentioned ACT’s Volunteer Information Session.”

Prior to becoming a volunteer for Women’s Coffee Night and Women’s Zone, Rosana went through Core Skills training, a 20-hour intensive training for new volunteers to learn about HIV, anti-oppression, concepts in communication, and creating and fostering safe, accessible spaces. Volunteers learn the practical skills and knowledge needed to navigate conversations with ACT service users and other people who are at risk of HIV or who need additional information about the work of ACT.
“From my first meeting during the Volunteer Information Session to Core Skills, everything was so well organized and was composed of so many passionate people – both staff and other volunteers,” says Rosana. “I knew this was the right fit for me. I especially enjoy Women’s Coffee Night because it takes more of a focus on community.”
Since volunteering for Women’s Coffee Night and Women’s Zone in 2017, Rosana has gotten to know many program participants. “These programs mean so much to the women who attend. They are dealing with socio-economic issues, citizenship, seeking employment, and other challenges.”